Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Hammer Approach

I ran across this interesting little tidbit today while waiting on my son:
"Decision makers engage in solution-focused problem identification because it provides comforting closure to the otherwise ambiguous and uncertain nature of problems"

The coarse is a masters level "Organization Behavior" which while interesting to me; is not in my core learning passion block (more later).  What stuck me to it is that we see this everywhere, even in IT.  People tend to grow comfortable with their daily approach to problem solving and  they tend to become rooted in their approach from motivation to implementation.  Most people characterize this in the phrase "When all you own is a hammer, everything is a nail".

If you apply this to software development, people tend to pull out the language they know, the toolkit their used to, the design pattern they know.  It is comforting to know that the problem is a human nature one, not a skill-rot problem that we see so often.

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