Thursday, August 9, 2007

Languages that aren't used?

I saw this article a few weeks ago but I hadn't had a chance to *really* read it until this morning (we'll talk about what really reading in yet another post later). Two of the languages in the article strike way to close to home: Haskell & Delphi.

While my Delphi development today is relegated to a small portion of my active crafting; I still actively develop in current versions of the program. While I agree with the author that the language went from popular to obscurity in a relatively short period; I hesitate to say that it means the language did not 'take off'. The author compares the article to being a VB alternative and that with VB there is not reason for it; I guess the author missed the note that VB is dead.

Haskell is a different story. A language being complex doesn't "kill" a software language. Functional programming in general is just beginning to take off as a whole; and dragging modern OO languages with it. Apparently Google doesn't think Haskell is dead either as they have assigned 9 developers to the language.

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