Tuesday, August 28, 2007

What do you do?

Have you ever been asked, "What do you do?". My beautiful wife and I have the luxury of meeting new people quite often and we receive that question a lot. I've never really reflected on my answer and I always respond with "I'm a software developer". Maybe its the Cold & Flue medicine or maybe it is my ADD afflicting me again but I am curious: Why are we compelled to answer with your chosen (or not) profession. Is it just conditioning because of the original Feudalism system and/or the apprenticeship methodologies.
Back when I was slinging meet at Burger King I had never answered with "I am a fast food customer service agent". Now, I am not saying I don't identify myself as a "Software Developer" as I am definitely a geek ed out coder; but I am curious about mans auto response system.

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